Q&A: Dr. Loubser answers commonly asked questions about Allergy-proofing your home

Loubser answers commonly asked questions about Allergy proofing your home

An estimated 20 to 25 percent of people have some form of respiratory allergy, and if you’re one of them, it’s likely you’ve always got a pack of antihistamines at the ready. But did you know that there are several environmental changes that we can make in order to keep the attacks at bay? How can we protect our homes against the most common allergens?

Leading allergen specialist Dr. Michael Loubser, Consultant Paediatrician, Immunologist/ Allergist answers frequently asked questions about allergy proofing your home.

1. What is a respiratory allergy?

This is the type of reaction that manifests because of a trigger in your environment. The symptoms include puffy eyes, itchiness, redness, a blocked or running nose, and itching in the mouth or ears. 

2. Which triggers are most common in the UAE?

The weather in the UAE means it is different from more temperate climates, in that we don’t have to deal with seasonal allergies. But what that does mean is most of the allergens in our environment are inside our homes.

3. Should I be concerned about molds in my home? How do I get rid of molds?

Due to the humid climate, we face a lot of indoor humidity which causes mould, as does the air conditioning that we use to combat the humidity. It’s almost always the case that poorly installed or maintained air conditioners are the source of a mould allergy. You can also develop mould if you have a water leak, or the damp proofing hasn’t been done properly. 


Ideal humidity is around 45 to 55 percent, and if your AC is not working properly the levels can get up to 85 percent. If you’ve got a lot of humidity inside, I would recommend investing in a dehumidification unit, which will work to take some of the moisture out of the air. And even if your humidity levels are ok, the AC still needs to be cleaned regularly to make sure it’s not full of dust and that the drip trays don’t get blocked up. 

4. Can dust mite allergy cause asthma? Where do they come from?

A dust mite is a microscopic, eight-legged insect which is just 0.2 of a millimetre. They live in warm, humid environments, and when they’re in your bed there will be around a quarter of a million. But don’t worry it’s got nothing to do with how hygienic you are, it’s down to the climate we live in. Humans who are allergic to dust have adverse reactions to the bug’s bodies and faeces, rather than dust itself.  


You can’t vacuum them out as they’re too small, so the best approach is to have a company come in to kill and remove them. A steam system is the best way to do so, before a high-pressure suction to remove the bodies. But what’s critical is you’ve got to get a mattress encasement put on afterwards. A high-quality dust mite cover should be breathable, not just a plastic sheet! The tightness of the weave should be so tight that dust mites’ can’t get through the air. Even the size of the needle that is used to stitch the zips in has to be standardised so that you don’t leave great big holes that dust mite can come through.  

5. How do I know if I’m allergic to cockroach dust? 

When we talk about someone being allergic to cockroaches, it is not the live ones we’re worried about. For every one cockroach you’ve ever seen, there’s probably a million others that have died outside. It’s the ones that have decomposed into dust that are the allergens. 


When it comes to the removal of this, you obviously want to remove as much dust from your environment as possible. This is where air purifiers come in to suction out the floating particles from the air. You should also make sure to use a vacuum cleaner with either HEPA filters in them or water traps. 

6. Is there a long-term cure for allergies?

As a rule, it’s not a good idea to rely on medication to control your allergy. Instead, start by addressing the allergen triggers in your home environment. But remember that you want to clean your home, rather than sterilise it. It’s important to implement the use of technologies such as a dehumidifier, air purifier and mattress protector to safeguard yourself against attacks. And who are mono sensitised may receive immunotherapy. This is achieved by exposing the patient to very small but increasing doses of the allergen, either under the tongue or by injection. The process takes 2-3 years. You should always consult the advice of a professional allergy doctor before taking action. 

When my patients want to address the root cause of their allergens and put an end to the attacks, I refer them to Sani Allergy by Saniservice. As the GCC’s premier source of hypoallergenic products they have a range of high-grade equipment and expert services including:

  • Dehumidifiers
  • Air purifiers 
  • Mattress encasements 
  • AC sanitisation  
  • Dust mite/ bed bug control
  • Air Quality testing
  • Surface and air microbial testing

About Dr. Michael Loubser

Dr. Michael Loubser is a renowned immunologist and paediatrician in Dubai. After earning a degree in Medicine in South Africa, he went on to further his studies in the UK and Canada. He has held various positions within the GCC, including Head of Allergy and Immunology and Chief of Paediatrics. As a member of the European Society for Immune Deficiency and the Clinical Immunology Society, Dr Loubser is an expert in the field of allergens.

In 2013, Dr Loubser played a crucial role with Saniservice, – pioneers in the disinfection industry – to establish Sani Allergy. As a division of Saniservice, Sani Allergy specialises in high-grade hypoallergenic products aimed at alleviating allergens from the indoor environment. All Sani Allergy products face rigorous testing including going through a professional Simulation Chamber, before hitting the shelves. 



How to Choose the Best Dehumidifier

If you’re looking for the best dehumidifier for your home or office, here are some things you should consider before even getting started.

But before that, you should know what each type of dehumidifier does and what is it that best suits your home. Knowing what is a dehumidifier and what your options are will help you make the right decision when buying one.

Dehumidifiers remove excess moisture in the air, preventing mold buildup that causes allergies. There are 3 main types of dehumidifier. These are:

  1. Refrigerant Dehumidifier
  2. Desiccant Dehumidifier
  3. Whole House Dehumidifier

Every type of dehumidifier has its own mechanical system of removing excess moisture in the air. In this article, we will discuss them one by one, including their advantages and disadvantages to identify the best dehumidifier for every specific need.

Refrigerant Dehumidifiers

This type of dehumidifier has the same mechanism as your air conditioning unit. The process involves cooling a metal plate where the moisture of the air condenses. The fan draws the air in, refrigerant cools it, and excess moisture comes in drips. Throughout this whole process, relative humidity is reduced to normal levels and the dehumidifier will automatically turn on when there is excess moisture,

However, this type of dehumidifier only works best at room temperature. It is not suitable for cooler indoor conditions. If the room where your dehumidifier will be placed has a commonly normal temperature,  then the best dehumidifier you can use is a refrigerant dehumidifier.

Desiccant Dehumidifiers

Meanwhile, a desiccant dehumidifier uses a desiccant (similar to silica gel) to absorb water from the air. The desiccant turns slowly like a wheel, through the incoming air, which absorbs moisture. 

During the process, the warm air passing through reactivates the desiccant, removing moisture in the air. This condensated water is collected via tanks and drained out in tubes. If you wish to have a compact and lighter machine than a refrigerant type, a desiccant is the best dehumidifier for you.

Apart from that, this type can work even with low temperatures.

Whole House Ventilation Dehumidifiers

Whole House type is the best dehumidifier that effectively  removes damp, mould and condensation indoors.  It is relatively cheaper to operate than other types of dehumidifiers and even runs quietly. It removes old, stale, air in your home, leaving your home fresher and moisture-free.

Saniallergy is the first Hypoallergenic Boutique Store in the Middle East, providing solutions that alleviate and prevent allergies – from the best dehumidifier, air purifiers, antibacterial disinfection light, to bed and pillow encasement.

Dehumidifiers: How Do They Work?

The levels of relative humidity in the air can affect your comfort and even affects how your ac units function. In the UAE, indoor relative humidity is one of the biggest problems residents face. This is why keeping a safe indoor humidity level using dehumidifiers is important.


But what is Indoor Relative Humidity?


The capacity of the air to hold water changes as the temperature changes. Indoor Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor present in air indoors. This is usually shown as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation at the same temperature. It is ideal to keep indoor humidity below 60 percent and keep a 30-60 relative humidity.


How does a dehumidifier work?

Dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from the air, thus, regulating the humidity in the room. Having dehumidifiers in a room helps avoid dust mites, molds, and allergens. This is an effective way to curb allergic reactions especially in the UAE where a lot of people are suffering from asthma and allergic rhinitis.


Basically, dehumidifiers take moisture in a gas form from the air and remove it as liquid water. Dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from the air. 


There are 4 different types of dehumidifiers:

  1. 1.Heat Pump Dehumidifier- Consists of a fan, heat pump, and heat exchange coils.
  2. Dehumidifying Ventilator- Uses an exhaust fan to expel air outside and a sensor.
  3. Chemical Absorbent or Desiccant Dehumidifier- Has hydrophilic materials like silica gel. 
  4. Homemade Dehumidifier –Which are made from charcoal or a special kind of salt.

However, there are only two methods by which dehumidifiers work.

Refrigeration dehumidifiers are standard types of dehumidifier because they are simple to use and effective in removing excess moisture in the air.

Meanwhile, Desiccant or Absorption dehumidifiers use a different method of dehumidification which gets rid of excess moisture by squeezing or mopping it out of the air,

Indoor air dehumidifiers are just like air conditioning units. A fan draws moist air inside the dehumidifier, then this air condenses on the coils.

Here’s a simple illustration explaining the process of dehumidification.


Source: https://learnmetrics.com/best-whole-house-dehumidifiers/ 

Dehumidifiers have a drip pan or a bucket for collecting and easy disposal of condensate, as well as a pump for drainage. The cooled air which passed by the refrigerant) slightly heats the air before it is released back into the room. This air attracts moisture and regulates the indoor relative humidity level.

Saniallergy is the first Hypoallergenic Boutique Store in the Middle East, providing solutions that alleviate and prevent allergies – from dehumidifiers, air purifiers, antibacterial disinfection light, to bed and pillow encasement.

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