If you’re looking for the best dehumidifier for your home or office, here are some things you should consider before even getting started.

But before that, you should know what each type of dehumidifier does and what is it that best suits your home. Knowing what is a dehumidifier and what your options are will help you make the right decision when buying one.

Dehumidifiers remove excess moisture in the air, preventing mold buildup that causes allergies. There are 3 main types of dehumidifier. These are:

  1. Refrigerant Dehumidifier
  2. Desiccant Dehumidifier
  3. Whole House Dehumidifier

Every type of dehumidifier has its own mechanical system of removing excess moisture in the air. In this article, we will discuss them one by one, including their advantages and disadvantages to identify the best dehumidifier for every specific need.

Refrigerant Dehumidifiers

This type of dehumidifier has the same mechanism as your air conditioning unit. The process involves cooling a metal plate where the moisture of the air condenses. The fan draws the air in, refrigerant cools it, and excess moisture comes in drips. Throughout this whole process, relative humidity is reduced to normal levels and the dehumidifier will automatically turn on when there is excess moisture,

However, this type of dehumidifier only works best at room temperature. It is not suitable for cooler indoor conditions. If the room where your dehumidifier will be placed has a commonly normal temperature,  then the best dehumidifier you can use is a refrigerant dehumidifier.

Desiccant Dehumidifiers

Meanwhile, a desiccant dehumidifier uses a desiccant (similar to silica gel) to absorb water from the air. The desiccant turns slowly like a wheel, through the incoming air, which absorbs moisture. 

During the process, the warm air passing through reactivates the desiccant, removing moisture in the air. This condensated water is collected via tanks and drained out in tubes. If you wish to have a compact and lighter machine than a refrigerant type, a desiccant is the best dehumidifier for you.

Apart from that, this type can work even with low temperatures.

Whole House Ventilation Dehumidifiers

Whole House type is the best dehumidifier that effectively  removes damp, mould and condensation indoors.  It is relatively cheaper to operate than other types of dehumidifiers and even runs quietly. It removes old, stale, air in your home, leaving your home fresher and moisture-free.

Saniallergy is the first Hypoallergenic Boutique Store in the Middle East, providing solutions that alleviate and prevent allergies – from the best dehumidifier, air purifiers, antibacterial disinfection light, to bed and pillow encasement.

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