SIQURA: Surface Disinfectant & Nano-Coating Solution

SIQURA products are microbiostatic surface disinfectants and protectants. They destroy microorganisms mechanically on a cellular level without relying on poisons or alcohol, which may result in superbugs (bacteria that adapt to certain methods of poisoning or alcohol dehydration).

Why use SIQURA nano-coating?

While most conventional disinfectants do indeed kill germs, SIQURA offers an enhanced long-lasting protection that goes beyond the application. It’s crucial to understand that widely used poison-based surface disinfectants (mostly chlorine based), only work when wet and as soon as it dries, the surface is sanitized but also ready to receive new germs.

With SIQURA, the surface would remain antimicrobial for up to 30 days, hence preventing any germ build-up. We like to call this concept “closing the gaps” between sanitization cycles.

The Solution

Sani Allergy Siqura nano-coating disinfects and protects surfaces without damaging the material and color of surfaces, proven to kill bacteria and viruses, and reducing cleaning and maintenance cost.

How does SIQURA work?

Every surface treated with SIQURA, after drying, will be covered with positively charged microscopic pins which would attract, pierce and jolt microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, mould, yeast and algae.


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