Antimicrobial Coating

Disinfection kills bacteria and viruses and is a great step in killing viruses. This can be boosted by adding an antimicrobial coating on surfaces for a long lasting protection. Antimicrobial coating kills viruses, bacterias, and germs that are harmful for your health, working 24/7 against these health threats. Photocatalytic coating is a type of antimicrobial coating that reacts to a light source, while actively killing microbes.

Why Photocatalytic Coating?

Superior in destroying viruses and bacteria

The effect of photo-catalytic coatings has been proven by researchers at the University of Tampere, Finland. Photocatalysis destroys 98 % of influenza viruses within 2 hours in regular room light and takes only 30 mins with Blue Light Exposure.

The Solution

Sani Allergy Antimicrobial coating products are proven to reduce and eliminate viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces, keeping indoor areas sanitized and protected from re-infection.

Disinfection Protection

How Photocatalytic Coating works

Imagine a hot plate reaching a temperature of many thousand degrees Celsius. If a small piece of organic material falls on it, it immediately burns in an airy environment and breaks down to the basic mineral components and evaporates with nothing left on the disc.

Similarly, at room temperature, our photocatalytic coatings work. These capabilities are provided by microscopic crystals of the titanium dioxide semiconductor (TiO2 ) and the physical phenomenon of photocatalysis.

Nano-Coating Products & Applications

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