TiPE: Nano-Self Cleaning Coating

The air pollution poses a serious threat to the environment and your personal health. Getting rid of so much pollution is not easy. The photocatalytic self-cleaning coating based on nanotechnology protects buildings and the environment as well with a self-cleaning system.

Why use TiPE nano-coating?

  • Protects surfaces from dust, acid rain and air pollutant damage
  • Purifies air and surface from pollutants (e.g. VOCs)
  • Keeps surfaces from acquiring dust
  • Reduce the energy consumption for cooling the building in summer
  • Restrain mildew or algae growing
  • Kill the bacteria and virus on the surface and in the air near the coated building

The Solution

Sani Allergy TiPE nano-coating can simply be added directly on surfaces without damaging the material and color of surfaces, proven to kill bacteria and viruses, and reducing cleaning and maintenance cost.

How does TiPE work?

TiPE nano self-cleaning coating follows the photocatalysis process that uses natural light to trigger chemical reactions that ultimately breaks down organic matter at the molecular level, and turns them into harmless carbon dioxide and water.



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